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Grow Your Own Herbal Medicine for Beginners: Learn How to Raise Healing Herbs and Medical Plants at Home for Tinctures, Essential Oils, Infusions, and Antibiotics [FULLY ILLUSTRATED COLOR EDITION]


Do you suffer from anxiety? 👉 Valerian might be helpful for you

Do you have a sore throat? 👉Thyme can provide immediate relief

Is your skin irritated? 👉 Calendulawill help soothe the burn

How many times have you found yourself facing pages and pages of bizarre information about herbs, which ultimately didn't provide a concrete solution to your problems, only causing frustration and headaches?

That's why I decided to compile in this simple and practical guide the most effective and easy-to-grow herbs at home (with BEAUTIFUL COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS!).

Inside you will find:

✔️ A fantastic CONDITION-REMEDY tab: Getting straight to the point, without wasting time (includes contraindications and possible drug interactions)

✔️ The pros and cons of growing at home: Is it always convenient? Who is it suitable for? Let's find out together

✔️ The mini-encyclopedia of herbs: how to recognize them, how to grow them, potential uses, and potential contraindications

✔️ The preparations manual: tinctures, oils, creams, herbal teas, decoctions... and much more! Discover the specific preparation for each condition and which herb is best suited

✔️ The best natural methods to protect your plants: the right pesticide for the specific problem

But that's not all

You will also find exclusive DOWNLOADABLE BONUSES: scan the QR code inside the book and prepare to receive a fantastic surprise!

Now imagine being able to grow and prepare an effective remedy for each condition, to be in control of your health 100%, and to know every healing secret of medicinal herbs.

That would be fantastic…




453 In Stock


Do you suffer from anxiety? 👉 Valerian might be helpful for you

Do you have a sore throat? 👉Thyme can provide immediate relief

Is your skin irritated? 👉 Calendulawill help soothe the burn

How many times have you found yourself facing pages and pages of bizarre information about herbs, which ultimately didn't provide a concrete solution to your problems, only causing frustration and headaches?

That's why I decided to compile in this simple and practical guide the most effective and easy-to-grow herbs at home (with BEAUTIFUL COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS!).

Inside you will find:

✔️ A fantastic CONDITION-REMEDY tab: Getting straight to the point, without wasting time (includes contraindications and possible drug interactions)

✔️ The pros and cons of growing at home: Is it always convenient? Who is it suitable for? Let's find out together

✔️ The mini-encyclopedia of herbs: how to recognize them, how to grow them, potential uses, and potential contraindications

✔️ The preparations manual: tinctures, oils, creams, herbal teas, decoctions... and much more! Discover the specific preparation for each condition and which herb is best suited

✔️ The best natural methods to protect your plants: the right pesticide for the specific problem

But that's not all

You will also find exclusive DOWNLOADABLE BONUSES: scan the QR code inside the book and prepare to receive a fantastic surprise!

Now imagine being able to grow and prepare an effective remedy for each condition, to be in control of your health 100%, and to know every healing secret of medicinal herbs.

That would be fantastic…

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